Achieve Your#1 GOAL While Becoming Clear, Confident & Consistent!

The Growth Mindset Blueprint for creating a biz & life of FREEDOM!

Start consciously creating the

masterpiece of your life,

betting on yourself & on your dreams!

By applying scientifically-backed data and spiritual principles to achieve your most meaningful goals,

you'll realign with your purpose, reprogram your nervous system, and recreate your reality with more


Are you ready to unleash your inner genius?

Go from confused, overwhelmed and stuck, to being CLEAR, CONFIDENT & CONSISTENT.

Achieve your GOALS, develop GRIT and create more space for GRACE so you can experience a life of FREEDOM, FULFILLMENT & FUN!

BE the woman on a mission who gives herself the FREEDOM to go for her OWN goals, dreams & desires.

REWIRE the subconscious programming of your mind, take your power back, and create from a more conscious state.

TURN self-doubt & negative self-talk into CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & WINS through taking aligned action

UNLEASH your inner GENIUS and use your CREATIVITY to recreate yourself and THRIVE in every NEW season in your business & life.

BUILD momentum as you develop habits that inspire you & move you forward with CONSISTENCY, VITALITY & MOTIVATION.

This sounds AMAZING! So, how do I know if this is for me?

I'm SO glad you asked!

Well, If you are READY to take your life or business to the next level, to turn your INTENTIONS into reality & to achieve WINS consistently...

YES! This program is for you!

Especially if you fall into one (or more) of these categories:

You're on a mission to become your best self, live with purpose & leave a positive legacy behind!

You want to break free from self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and the limiting beliefs that show up at every new stage in business & life.

You have gifts to share but feel stuck, confused & uninspired and want a practical way to move FORWARD and finally STOP being in a limbo!

You're committed to doing the the inner work & outer work to create more space for GRACE & FUN as you use your creativity to take imperfect action toward your goals, dreams & desires!

You’re ready to take quantum leaps into creating your NEW REALITY, and to implement micro-steps to gain traction, develop new HABITS, see RESULTS & allow MIRACLES to be the new norm!

Bottom line, you're here to remember who you are -and release who you are not- as you align your body, mind & soul with the HIGHEST INTENTIONS!


Gratitude & praise 🙏

"Exactly 6 months & fulfilled my dream goals!" - Veronica M

I had 2 very clear goals I wanted to fulfill when I started the program. I didn't know how it was going to work out. Exactly 6 months after signing up, I landed a leadership position in the company of my dreams, healed specific relationships important to me & I now have a renewed sense of purpose! Thank you!

" The best program I've taken!"-

Bobi L.

The Genius Spot is a GODSEND! If you’ve been on a mission to find your way, this is what you need! This is the BEST online program I've taken to date, hands down. I experienced a deep & lasting transformation with respect to having more peace & clarity in my life while enjoying gentle and consistent progress in day to day activies.

"It was life-changing"-Yelitza B

It was life-changing in noticeable ways. Tati's caring and excellence presenting the information, coupled with the exercises she has us do just at the right time, help to bring a deep transformation. It seemed to have had an effect on my entire family! The program helped me through one of the toughest times in my life! I'm so grateful!!

Who hasn't been in totally unknown territory where life is asking you to step up to the plate & bet on yourself...

But you have no idea how?!

I get it! I've been there! I am you. In a way...

Hi there! I'm Tati, your Mindset Mentor & Life Strategist!

If you’re here, it’s likely we share a common trait: we're both on a journey of transforming roadblocks into stepping stones to THRIVE & SHARE our gifts.

My path to personal development began at 14, but it wasn’t until my early 20s—when I faced a chronic health issue—that I truly understood the power of self-belief. Doctors deemed my condition incurable, so I had no other option but to trust Spirit & bet on myself to figure out how I would face this new reality.

This journey mirrors my experience as an entrepreneur. Both paths demand clear goals, resilience, and a generous dose of grace. It’s not just about having faith in yourself. It’s also about enlisting your mind as an ally and your soul as your guiding star.

The miracles I’ve encountered— overcoming health challenges and achieving fulfillment amidst life's unexpected turns—are rooted in my go-to framework, which I've enjoyed refining over the years. Once I realized it was an empowering toolbox, not just for my future self but also for others on a mission to THRIVE in BUSINESS & LIFE, I knew I needed to share it!

At every stage, whether launching a new business or navigating life’s twists, the unknown can feel daunting. Yet, I’m excited to share the framework to help you co-create your own miracles and design your best life. I believe you have the power to become the clear, confident & empowered person you’re meant to be, and to thrive consistently!

"Entertaining negative self-talk is a luxury none of us can afford.!"- TJ


Welcome! I’m the founder of The Genius Spot, a Top 25 Under 35 entrepreneur, and a Doctor in Spiritual Science, navigating life just like you—constantly betting on myself and striving for greater FREEDOM, FULFILLMENT & FUN!

Our approach is like no other!

We blend cutting-edge scientific methods with

sacred spiritual principles to guide you on a

transformative & uplifting journey!

Break free from limitations

holding you back!

Achieve meaningful results & experience fulfillment!

Our students report immediate and lasting changes and often turn to our program as a lifelong resource for every new chapter.

Experience why they call it a 'guide for life'!"


Learn to use the power of your mind , rewire your brain 🧠 & train your nervous system to work FOR you instead of having it hijacking your success & keeping you small!

"Mastering your mindset

is the #1 pre-requisite to success..."-

...Said every successful business & life mentor

you've probably heard...

So, how come so many still struggle with mindset?

Well, because:

#1. It's not a one time fix. It's a PRACTICE; an ongoing PROCESS that evolves with YOU.

#2. Your mind can't solve problems of the mind on its own. You need a full body, mind & soul ALIGNMENT. And,

#3. There wasn't a holistic program that would help you to know the information, take action & embody the change. THAT IS, UNTIL NOW!!!


We ground our framework in science,

and elevate it in spiritual wisdom

so you can live on purpose💜

"True fulfillment comes from living in harmony with your

soul’s highest purpose.”- Aristotle

Our intention is for you to experience a clear BEFORE and AFTER transformation that goes beyond outer success & achievements, and into aligning with your soul's purpose!

This is why we align BODY, MIND & SOUL to help you achieve:

#1. GOALS: We walk you through the process of creating your best life, by achieving one GOAL at a time.

#2. GROWTH: Our framework teaches you how to develop the GRIT needed to overcome life's challenges & develop a GROWTH MINDSET.

#3. GRACE: We teach you how to create more space for GRACE & align with your SOUL'S calling, unleashing the ultimate Creative Genius within!

So if you crave ACHIEVING that thing you dream of,

and feeling FULFILLED as you go for it,

C.Y.B.L. is the program for YOU!


Want to make big leaps by taking simple steps?




An Award-Winning Tour Guide

Entrepreneur, Educator, Coach & Doctor In Spiritual Science.

Her intuitive and highly practical approach will guide you through every step the process.

All you need to do is show up for yourself & do the work.

Noticeable Changes: Immediate & Long-term results

Shifts in consciousness inevitably bring results! So do new habits!

To ensure you don't shy away when you start seeing results. we do the subconscious, conscious and energy work

.You won't be the same person with the same results as before!

A Consciously-Developed Curriculum

As you go through different stages in your business and life, you'll face different challenges.

Revisit the course with every new goal and see the value it brings each time.

This is not a course you'll buy and never use. It's one you'll complete and go through again & again!

Energetic Alignment & Clearing Sessions

Release old patterns & unnecessary blocks.

Learn how to get into energetic alignment with your highest intentions and STAY there so you can re-create your reality with GRACE, PLAYFULNESS & FUN.

It's not based on "woo woo" stuff; it's based on science, practical, and intentional proven work.

Conscious Creativity Framework & Exercises

Move into new phases of your business orlife using a simple formula for improving your resourcefulness & consistency.

It will feel like you’ve been given a roadmap to navigating life!

An Amplifying Effect To Elevate Your Personal Development Journey!

Understand the mechanics of why other modalities work and how to integrate them.

This blueprint will tie every other modality together and elevate the work you've been doing to new levels!


There are 2 ways to experience the Create Your Best Life program:

And here's exactly what you get at each level!




For those who want a completely self-paced experience

FLYING SOLO: Self-Paced Course

Create your own itinerary with the right tools!


Immediate access to 30+ pre-recorded lessons including:

the blueprint, secret success formulas, simple actionable steps, awareness-shifting exercises, & sacred information to help you THRIVE!


4 Guided meditations & other surprises!

Sprinkled throughout the program, you'll find perks, to enhance your experience & support your SELF- AWARENESS & SELF-LOVE!


Receive practical templates & playbooks to stay on top of your game.

Go through the program with clarity & ease.

Track your progress & start building consistency

First-Class Bonuses


This is no ordinary certificate!

We reward ACTION-TAKERS because just like in life, rewards are EARNED! ✈️ 😘

When you view and complete all previous lessons & do the work, you'll receive the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION & UNLOCK ACCESS to HUGE BONUSES!



You're flying solo but you're not alone! Your success is greatly determined by those with whom you surround yourself.

Enjoy access to a private Facebook community:

Connect, share insights & wins, ask our team or your fellow traveler questions & support one another in a safe & highly productive space.


When you invest in yourself you are uplifting the world!

When you register, we'll have one TREE planted in your name. We'll provide an ART healing program,or up to 20% of your tuition for women on their cancer journey. And we'll ADOPT the "I AM" peace quality.

See details below for non-profits selected.


For A-Players Who Want A Personal Touch:

Access The 8-Week Mastermind Experience!


Everything in First Class PLUS

Live Calls + Group Coaching +

+ More!

You'll be the one in control of your own destiny, with exquisite company & guidance along the way!

Here are additional PERKS

of flying as a Jet-Setter:


Build a strong community, find accountability partners, ask our team questions & go beyond the results you achieved on your own during your course work.

We'll set individual & group intentions, raise our frequency

through energy clearings & exercises not found elsewhere in this program during our live group sessions.


After our time together, you'll have an opportunity to continue to take your peace of mind to new heights!

Get ready to systemitize your LIFE with "life-saving" templates to help you stay laser-focused, stay "Marie Kondo" organized and reinforce your newfound clarity, confidence & consistency.



Elevate your reprogramming & alignment practices using one of the best kept secrets of ancient masters to reprogram your nervous system, improve neuroplasticity & find answers from deep within.

Includes: Training, Exercises, Traveling Kit & Meditations. Unlocked upon completion of your program!

See below!

Jet-Setter Bonus

When you complete program, you'll unlock

The Reprogramming Secrets Bundle:

BONUS: Labyrinths Reprogramming Training

Navigate the twists and turns of life & entrepreneurship and life as you do creative and fun Nervous System Work.

BONUS: Traveling Labyrinths Kit

Find answers within, tap into different aspects of your consciousness, and release the negative self-talk with 4 downloadable PDFs with instructions, images & inspiration!

BONUS: Labyrinth Meditations

Complement your Labyrinth Self-Care Practice with meditations and guided processes for brain health & increased intuition.


Choose Your Journey Today!

Next Jet-Setter LIVE Sessions Start On 1/18/25

Early-Bird Registration Closes 11/11/24

Immediate Online Course Access!


First-Class Pass

For Solo Travelers:

Self-Paced Course- immediate access:

  • Blueprint [Value $1,197]
  • I AM Worthy Bundle [Value $297]
  • Clarity Toolkit & Other Surprises! [Value $297]

First-Class Bonuses:

  • Certificate [Value $97]
  • FB Community [Value $997]
  • Change-Maker [Value $300]]





Jet-Setter + Mastermind Pass

Everything in First-Class PLUS:

  • 8 Live Alignment Sessions [Value $3,200]
  • Life-saving Templates [Value $475]
  • Sacred Rewiring Bundle [Value $397]





Planning Your Next Experience?

Join the Waiting List for the next time the Jet-Setter Mastermind is available!.


When does the program start?

Immediately. As soon as you get accepted and join the program, you'll have access to the online course material for both the First Class Traveler and the Jet-Setter Tiers!

The Mastermind Jet-setter tier goes LIVE during specifc times of the year. At such times, we'll gather weekly for 8 sessions for 1-1 and group coaching during the live sessions..

Check above for the next start date & APPLY to secure your spot for the next cohort.

You can start going through the course on your own immediately, and if you joined the Mastermind, you'll can get a head-start and dive into the course work.

That way, you can get ready & be prepared to ask any questions or go deeper during our LIVE calls, if you'd like!

How long is the program?

It is intended to be completed in 8 weeks. There are 30 lessons with specific ACTION STEPS.

In addition, there is a PRE-WORK section that requires you to do a quick but important self-assessment, and just as importantly, a final assessment at the end-which you can update with every new win!

Whatever you do, MAKE SURE YOU COMPLETE BOTH! Many people are surprised to see how far they have come at the end.

Those who don't complete it have regretted not documenting their journey!:)

How will I be held accountable?

There are different levels of accountability depending on which journey you take:

- First Class includes self-accountability- The program is designed to build on itself. Every step is tied to the next, so as you make progress, you will notice you are building the GRIT necessary to achieve your goals. You will also have access to the online community where you can find your own accountability partner.

- Jet-Setters- Will have additional accountability mechanisms in place. You will get emails to support you along the way, the live mastermind to build momentum together.

You will also unlock other BONUSES as you complete the course. Remember, just like in life the name of the game is COMPLETING what you begin! The more you COMPLETE, the MORE you RECEIVE!

Is there a money back guarantee?

We want you to feel absolutely safe, satisfied & thrilled with your investment. We also want you to be sure about inviesting in yourself.

Since this is a fast-paced program, you will have 7 days from when you purchase the program to write us in you decide otherwise..

We will ask you to complete the first module's work and submit it. The reason we ask for your completed coursework is simple: if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value.

Please note that eligibility for a refund has a firm deadline and also applies to payment plans, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline has passed.

Our team will review your request, as long as you have written us within 7 days of purchasing the course. There are no exceptions to this timeline. The terms & conditions will apply. Thanks!

How much time will I need to dedicate to the program?

We've designed the program to help you INTEGRATE it into your life in a seamless and easy way!

Most days all you'll need is to invest about 20 minutes [for about 35 consecutive days if you want to run through it all at once-ehich we highly suggest].

You can always come back and review all information and tasks a following time around.

There will be a few days where you might need to invest 35 minutes.

The last week is VERY powerful and you will notice each day builds on the previous one so the key is completing the process!

Is this program only for women?

No. We welcome kind and awesome people above all, as we co-create our best lives.

Although we are proud to serve "women on a mission" and cater to female creatives and entrepreneurs, amazing people, regardless of their gender are welcomed.

This program is of high-value so if you feel called to join, know we look forward to seeing you inside!

Will this work for me if I don't have a business or don't consider myself an entrepreneur?

Absolutely! Create Your Best Life is ideal for you to work on YOURSELF first, as a human being, and then as you set, manifest or create professional & business goals.

It is very helpful if you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur, because it’ll train you to think like an entrepreneur and develop the grit entrepreneurs require to win the game of business.

Even if you are a seasoned entrepreneur with a winning mindset, this program has been designed to help you experience a greater level of fulfillment and alignment in every new stage of your expansion and identity shifts.

Entrepreneurs are not the only ones that require grit and greater wellness though. We've also found the program to be supportive for people finding the right job, experiencing greater healing, living more harmoniously or expanding their Light, creativity and gifts within themselves and close communities, etc.

Will I get a certificate of completion or certificate?

* Yes.

Although this course certificate s not intended to be an official accreditation, we understand some jobs offer Education Benefits and want to ensure you have completed the work you said you would.

We also understand that the mind & body benefit from acknowledging completions, hence a Certificate of Completion will be provided at the end, when you do complete all the module work.

This certificate UNLOCKS new benefits and possibilities for you within the program. We do this so by the time you get to the BONUSES, you will UNDERSTAND how VALUABLE they are and how to really use them for your benefit.

Will I get feedback from Tati?

For First-Class: We can’t promise this.

Tati delivers her best experience and and strategies in the core trainings. To be clear, this is not a one-on-one coaching program. It’s a digital learning experience. However, you can always ask our Customer Service Team questions that may come up at:

For the Jet-Setter Mastermind experience: Yes.

You’ll get additional support from her or other guest experts during our LIVE SESSIONS and inside the community when you show up to the LIVE sessions!

Do you really partner & give to others?

Yes. Nothing is more fulfilling than SHARING your blessings with meaningful causes.

When you invest in yourself, we'll share a % of your tuition with organizations we love, who are doing meaningful work. We've vetted these organizations and have witnessed first-hand the impact they have made, or seen how they've been internationally recognzed. We also support other women on their healing journeys in other ways not listed here. Your contribution helps us amplify the work.

You get results AND together, we help someone else create their best lives too!


We don’t know when (or if) we’ll offer this again, so don’t miss your chance! It's like having your own personal coach! Experience new breakthroughs and insights every time you go through this program!

By Investing In Yourself, You Uplift Others!

Change your life, change the world!

The Genius Spot supports the following causes by sharing a significant % of our revenue.

When you join the Create Your Best Life program, we'll:

Plant one tree in your name

One Tree

Our best lives are lived when we're in harmony with nature & our environment.

With our partners at One Tree Planted, a leading non-profit, we'll plant one tree for every student enrolled!

Support healing & creativity

Feel Beautiful

When we create & share our heart, we experience fulfillment & the beauty of life.

FBT provides healing art programs for women diagnosed with cancer. We'll donate a % of your tuition to support their work with women during crucial life moments.

Support inner & outer peace

Institute For I &W

We believe the precursor to peace is knowing we we are.

IIThe Insitute for Individual & World Peace provides trainings, fosters peace-awareness & strengthens qualitites of peace among individuals.

Your tuition helps us support their
